Denver, CO
United States
"In the profound majesticbeauty of the Cosmos, the Universal Cosmic Consciousness omnipresently, omnisciently, and omnipotently penetrates the vast silent space of the Divine Sacred Emptiness!"
~ Rexsy
"The clouds penetrated deeply into the divine consciousness of the grand mountains of millennia in existence. As phenomena are being observed, all levels of consciousnesses contribute their existences into one's whole being, which is guided by the inner silent emptiness." ~ Rexsy
"The night remained utterly silent in dark beauty, where all things meditated deeply under the soft moonlight of sacred divinity. Beauty and love are the keys to peaceful enlightenment. It is important to directly experience enlightenment rather than interpreting the enlightening experience with words and logic." ~ Rexsy
"In the immense silence of emptiness, Universal Cosmic Energy illuminates omnipresently over the deep space of impermanent existence, where sufferings exist endlessly in the profoundly moving beauty of the Universe. Meditation is the greatest path to the cessation of sufferings under the movement of intelligence, peace, and love." ~ Rexsy
"In the immense silence of an extraordinarily beautiful morning, the majestic Sun quietly immersed with freshness and power, radiating great rays over the gentle Earth. The air felt deeply sacred among the dark trees of the lovely winter. Words, concepts, and thoughts may only approximate reality, for the Universe is dynamic and in constant state of change naturally in the presence of time. Being attached to words leads to apparent conflicts with reality, the "what is". Words and thoughts are illusive attributed to the impermanency of things in nature. To understand this is to interpenetrate into the permanency of emptiness." ~ Rexsy
"To live is to die every moment, meditatively. Silence of the lovely evening had descended upon the World of love and beauty with intimate adoration, for the timeless sacred Emptiness embraced humanity with great divine compassion, as Rexsy's Symphony brilliantly immersed the dynamic quantum Universe towards blissful Enlightenment." ~ Rexsy
"All actions towards Sacred Emptiness are of Universal Intelligence, and Cosmic Enlightenment! With the ultimate enlightened goal of Emptiness, all detailed rivers of actions shall reach the Universal Sea of Enlightenment!"
~ Rexsy
Denver, CO
United States