Denver, CO
United States
"Universal Emptiness is omnipresent in all cosmic phenomena from the beginningless time. Meditation is to be in oneness with this Great Sacred Silent Divinity, which subtly is the source of all creations and destructions in the immense Universe." ~ Rexsy
Dedicated to
Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus Christ, J. Krishnamurti,
Krishna, Bodhidharma, Neils Bohr, James Maxwell,
Lao Tzu, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Darwin, Da Vinci,
Kurzweil, Galileo, Planck, Fritjof Capra, Thomas Cleary,
Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Dogen, Lotfi Zadeh, John Holland,
Allah, Carl Sagan, Tesla, Maxwell, Deepak Chopra,
Faraday, Stephen Hawking, Michael Green, Edison, Descartes,
Majestic Absolute Reality of Infinite Creations inEmptiness Transcendance,
Universal Cosmic Sacred Emptiness,
Love, Life, Compassion,
& Humanity!
<> Universal Cosmic Consciousness <>
"Existence is Universal Cosmic Symphony of Divine Sacred Emptiness, which is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent! It is the Ultimate Truth of neither Theory of Everything nor Theory of non-Everything! Only at the feet of the Lord of Silence, the Mind may penetrate immersely into the Ultimate Reality of the Absolute Truth!" ~ Rexsy
<> Universal Cosmic Emptiness <>
<> Ultimate Realities of the Universes <>
<> Theory of the Universe <>
The cosmic Starlights penetrated the deep of the deepest existence in the multi-dimensional Universes of dark profoundly vibrating matters. Emptiness exists in all phenomena, for it is the finest element of life, thus it is the ultimate reality of existence, non-existence, and beyond. With respect to modern physics, Emptiness has the finest resolution to penetrate all things. In parallel with the mind, towards the subtle Sacred Emptiness, the Universal Consciousness is omnipresent, penetrating all phenomena, thus, the subtle Self is pervasively everywhere in existence. Therefore, to understand the deepest structure of all phenomenain the Cosmos is to have direct perception of the Ultimate Self of Emptiness.
With respect to humanity, one is born from Emptiness, then lives, sick, and dies, coming back to Emptiness, the source of All Things! At the quantum microcosmic world, particles behave the same way, created, destroyed, and back Vacuum. Similarly, at the macrocosmic level of the Universe, all cosmic matters had been created, lived, collapsed, and came back to silent Void!
All things in existence are made of atoms and mostly empty, since atom is over 99.9999 percent vacuum! And this includes the human body as well as structure of the Cosmos, where Dark Matter & Energy constitute up to 99% of matters in the Universe!
From advanced Cosmology, Physics, study of the Black Holes, Big-Bang, all matters in the Universe came from a tiny particle smaller than an Atom, a Singularity! And at the present time, Scientists are embarking on the Zero-Point Energy creations from Vacuum, into the future of advanced humanity!
From Eastern Religion and Philosophy, almost 3000 years ago, the Buddha said that All Things created by the Mind, for Emptiness is Form, and vice versa! This may be best perceived through Cosmic Meditation!
Universal Emptiness is omnipresent in all cosmic phenomena from the beginningless time. Meditation is to be in oneness with this Great Sacred Silent Divinity, which subtly is the source of all creations and destructions in the Universe.
In the world of high tech, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, closest to Reality is the Ontological Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS), which employs Multi-Agents, Expert Systems, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithms, etc., for the development of advanced intelligent systems mimicking nature! Observing the Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms and Systems, onemay see that the stronger Agents may survive where the weaker ones would die away for survival and best system performance. That is, Agents came into existence from nothingness, lived and performed, then died for others to continue on optimization and evolution of the existence process. And of course, one may unify all AI systems with the CAS into One Unified System, both in conceptualizations and applications.
And also, one may utilize the Complex Adaptive System (CAS) to model both the microcosmic and macrocosmic Universes, with random stochastic adaptive behaviors with much uncertainty!
From the World of Advanced Scientific Research to Engineering, All creative Ideas and Systems Designs had been created from thin air of Emptiness, as ever was, regressively to the Past, and back to the Future!
Certainly, in the world of Music, Philosophy, Arts, etc., everything came from Nothingness! Thousands of Mozarts, Beethovens, Classical Composers' compositions, and Rexsys Symphonies & Philosophical Wisdoms came from the Universal Divine Sacred Void of Emptiness!
Integrating all of the above realities, one may generalize, integrate, and unify all things from the very physical to the extremely spiritual Universes into a complete Whole which one may call Theory of the Universe, and at the highest Superconsciousness, with the majestic power of Sacred Divine Meditation, the cosmic empty 'Wholeness' shall immerse as
'Realities of the Universes'
Universal Existence includes countless states of being, such as wake, sleep, dream, deep thought, trance, imagination, Meditation, etc. Each state of being manifests its own Universe of Existence. Meditation is an immortal Universe of Superconsciousness, Sacred Emptiness, and Perfect Divine Enlightenment!
~ Rexsy
"He (she) who has reached the maximum of emptiness will be firmly fixed in peace."
~ Lao Tzu
The essential nature of your mind is the purity of perfect emptiness. Though your mind has ever been under illusions, in reality it can suffer no bewilderment; it only seems to be under a cloud of fascinating sentiments and false perceptions. As soon as the mind realizes that it is being deceived, the misconceptions disappear and its right understanding will never again be disturbed.
~ The Surangama Sutra
The Mind of Intuition has universal intelligence and because of it conception of space is embraced within it but undifferentiated and thus the manifestation of emptiness responds to the perception of your sight. Because the Four Great Elements are present within the pure universal intelligence of the Intuitive Mind, the manifestation of them responds to the perception of your sight.
~ The Surangama Sutra
"To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance."
~ Buddha
"A human being is part of the whole called by us universe , a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty... We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive."
~ A. Einstein
"Never under any circumstances say that meditation and wisdom are different; they are one unity, not two things. Meditation itself is the substance of wisdom; wisdom itself is the function of meditation."
~ Hui-Neng
"In the profound majestic beauty of the Cosmos, the Universal Cosmic Consciousness omnipresently, omnisciently, and omnipotently penetrates the vast silent space of the Divine Sacred Emptiness!"
~ Rexsy
"All phenomena are empty."
~ Bodhidharma
<> Rexsy <>
<>Universal Cosmos Emptiness<>
<>Rexsy Universal Cosmic Music<>
Music composed, performed, recorded, engineered, mastered, and produced by Rexsy.
Rexsy Music is composed immersely through Universal Cosmic Meditation of Ultimate Divine Sacred Emptiness! and also based on the Theories of Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Classical Music, Philosophy, Arts, Sciences, History, Technologies, Humanity, and Fusion ofthe Past, Present, and Future Cosmic States of the Universe!
The Symphonies, deep in Meditation,were spontaneously and simultaneously composed, created, performed, recorded, orchestrated, mastered, and engineered, all in One Pass without post processing and editing! In other words, the timetaken for creating each Symphony, from the beginning until completion isexactly the duration of the Symphony!
"The evening sunset radiated clouds of jewels across the Universe, where diamond lights of wisdom blazed majestically towards the deep space of existences. As one meditated on world’s phenomena, with a quiet mind, the emptiness nature of all things revealed its ultimate reality in the deep silence of contemplation. Emptiness is All, and All is Emptiness. One is All, and All is One." ~ Rexsy
"Penetrating insight into the subtle structure of matters, phenomena, consciousnesses, is to watch existence, beauty, wisdom, as the universal cosmic energy is ever changing, as forever was. In the process, one is meditatively adaptive to the constant changing patterns of the Universe choicelessly, controllessly, and effortlessly." ~ Rexsy
"The root of all things is Ultimate Emptiness, which is the highest, unified, and generalized form of existences, knowledges, and phenomena. To gain Superknowledge of all things is to understand the Universal Emptiness, from which, one may approach myriad details. The unification process of phenomena, knowledges, and wisdoms with the Sacred Emptiness is extremely vital on the spiritual journey to Cosmic Enlightenment!" ~ Rexsy
"Immeasurable branches of phenomena are interconnected through the root of Cosmic Emptiness, which is the ultimate communication media, kingdom of all existences. The mind, which has the ability connecting to this communication channel through Emptiness Meditation, may access infinite vital information of countless fruits of wisdom, which is the key to Enlightenment!" ~ Rexsy
"Cosmic lights radiated brilliantly into the infinite worlds of unimpeded flows of existence, with heavenly celestial beings meditatively blessing boundless energy to the unfathomable seas of beauty. Emptiness is the ultimate subtle state of all existences, phenomena. It is not the complete void of all things, but the ultimate nature of the Universe." ~ Rexsy
"The Starlights reflected across the sea of beauty, where deep silent spirits of existence nourished billions of consciousnesses in the cosmic field of the vast Universe. One may concentrate and observe any existing matter, and eventually, become oneness with the investigated phenomenon, which reveals truth in the light of Sacred Emptiness. This is the process of Concentration, Observation towards Meditation." ~ Rexsy
"Across the Universes, ecstatic golden lights penetrated and reflected great profound wisdom to infinite atoms of existences. Sparkling diamond spirits radiated through limitless space, bringing absolute joys to all cosmic consciousnesses. Each Universe may come into existence, in its own dimension, from a subtle infinitesimal point of Emptiness. Universal Sacred Emptiness is the Mother of all existences, which commands majestic balance between suffering, peace, and love!" ~ Rexsy
"The evening darkness penetrated the Earth of mysterious silence and beauty, where the infinitesimal wisdom brilliantly radiates infinite space of myriad phenomena under laws of the Universe. 'One is the World, and the World is One'. Every existence, matter, phenomenon, possesses a subtle nature, which is dependent, linking to, and represents the whole Universe. This fact may be comprehended through the enlightening power of meditation with the subtle mind of Ultimate Emptiness." ~ Rexsy
"Power of Intelligence lies in the Emptiness Universe, myriad things, including humanity...decentralised in all beings and existences. In parallel to holding vital energy, intelligence, and information in an organized centralized brain, location, one may allocate these in myriad cosmic phenomena! As retrieval of such intelligent information is necessary, it would be available in limitless abundance omnipresently throughout the Universe." ~ Rexsy
<> Dedicated to Maricet & Grandma <>
"The cosmic darkness overshadowed the Earth of unfathomable mysterious existence as the mind penetrated towards the deepest layers of infinite beings, where the winds of enlightenment swept across the desert of majestic beauty under the lovely starlights of the Universe."
~ Rexsy
"The evening lights penetrated deep into One's consciousness, as millions of starlights wisdom particles collapsed into the infinite space of reflections! Great feelings of love and compassion immersed omnipresently over myriad existences, in which the Universal Mind achieved unfathomable silence in Sacred Emptiness!" ~ Rexsy
"The lovely waters mesmerized the Universal Consciousness of all existences in the realm of the unfathomable, the ‘neither perception nor non-perception’. The world phenomena come into one’s mind as information, data, and upon which, thought would perform its limited analysis and partially collect some of the data and create its own shallow database, which is called the Self, an infinitesimally subset of the incoming data from the Universe. In reality, thought, the Self, the Me, the Experiencer is the observed phenomena, the observed, the experienced. There is no difference between the thinker and thought, observer and the observed, experiencer and the experienced. Realizing this fact is the movement of the meditative intelligence. One is the Universe, and the Universe is One. Me is the Not-Me, and the Not-Me is the Me. Self is the Non-Self, and the Non-Self is the Self." ~ Rexsy
"The sacred laws of the Universe manifest myriad creations and destructions of minds and matters in the deep space of vast silence, which reflect the majestic beauty of mysticism. Meditation, penetratively towards the infinite manifestation of the universal wisdom, enlightens the cosmic mystical nature of all existences." ~ Rexsy
"Meditation is to observe world phenomena, from the grossest to the subtlest, in which reflections of the moving architecture of the Universe manifest in the silence of thought. As the Great Emptiness is omnipresent in all creations, being in Oneness with such divine silence is equivalent to the astral existence of the universal mind. This is the choiceless meditation without disturbance of any control actions from the mind." ~ Rexsy
"The gentle clouds rested over the mountain peaks, under the glorious skies of an early winter morning. The beauty of contemplation is to penetrate one’s insight, knowledge, and understanding into the infinite structure of phenomena, which may sacredly be followed by the deep meditative absorption into the vast immense emptiness of the Superconsciouness. With the profound comprehension of the cosmic architecture of matters, via powerful observation, the meditative omniscient knowledge of the mind exerts universal mastery over subtle spiritual matters in the silent moving beauty of the Universe." ~ Rexsy
"In the immense silence of an extraordinarily beautiful morning, the majestic Sun quietly immersed with freshness and power, radiating great rays over the gentle Earth. The air felt deeply sacred among the dark trees of the lovely winter. Words, concepts, and thoughts may only approximate reality, for the Universe is dynamic and in constant state of change naturally in the presence of time. Being attached to words leads to apparent conflicts with reality, the “what is”. Words and thoughts are illusive attributed to the impermanency of things in nature. To understand this is to interpenetrate into the permanency of emptiness." ~ Rexsy
"The grand existence of nature is unfathomable to the knowing mind. Cosmic energy signals are random in nature with infinite levels of intensities, frequencies, modulations, and spectral characteristics, which subtly contain intelligent information upon sustaining all living beings in the Universe. Additionally, the energy information signals in the universal cosmic fields excite and nourish human intelligence, internal organs, and all subsystems at different spectral vibrations and intensity levels. With respect to mankind's inner microcosmic world, the Mind may direct this vital energy into one’s system by meditative absorption based on the signaling characteristics aforementioned. The overall optimization goal is attaining the feeling of peacefulness and well being." ~ Rexsy
"Living mindfully, meditatively in the present moment allows universal intelligence to flow into one’s being, in which, observing, learning, seeing, and acting merge into one inseparable process. This fact may be observed as one attains enlightenment in meditation, in which, all sorrows and sufferings have been dissolved into the vast emptiness. The shadows of the beautiful trees imprinted their presence under the soft warm light of the mother Sun, bringing all existences into the great stream of pleasant enlightenment."
~ Rexsy
"The sacred moonlight had descended over the Earth from the great Void in deep tranquillity of silence. Meditation on the micro-Universe, that is, contemplation on the body, feeling, mind, and spirit, leads to the serene enlightenment of self existence. In parallel, meditation on the macro-Universe, external of one’s being, enlightens the deepest realization of the Cosmos. These two paths are essentially one inseparable 'processless' process towards the ultimate spiritual Enlightenment in the vast immense silent Universe." ~ Rexsy
"In the mists of cosmic silence, the stars remained utterly still over great galactic seas of beauty. Existence is a constant flow of creation and destruction of matters. Dissimilarities between matters create energy fluctuations in the Cosmos. The manifestation and transformation of energy is existence in the Universe."
~ Rexsy
"Existence consists of matters, which are fragments of life. The fragments, unlike the whole, are dissimilar among themselves, thus create conflict of existence, which is represented by the restless flows of energy. This energy nourishes fear, sorrow, happiness, all aspects of life, which has conquered Man for millennia and so continues until the end of time.
To live in peace is to have these flows of energy cease, psychologically. This is the essence of meditation, which is the path to enlightenment."
~ Rexsy
"By observing world phenomena surround one’s being, meditation may exist at every moment in the mists of enlightenment."
~ Rexsy
"Quiet, lonely -- existence of humanity was deep into the point of no return, for the infinite space was absorbed into the illusion of time. All explanations, reasonings, philosophies, words, thoughts, are various forms of escapes from reality. Only the immeasurable silence of the mind is ultimately real!"
~ Rexsy
"Infinite vision among the sparkling stars, of the majestically profound Universe, illuminated sacred energy of mysterious forces over the world of deep dreaming desires. In the meditative state, the ignorance energy of suffering is neutralized by the powerful movements of emptiness, and only at the sustenance of this process that one is being liberated from the world of conflicts. Without meditation, incoming flux of the negative energy pervades and beclouds one's being, consciousness, which leads to inferior actions of sufferings. This is simply the law of Nature."
~ Rexsy
"The lovely evening shadows serenaded the cosmic Earth of mesmerizing beauty, as the still Mind entering deep Meditation towards mysterious Sacred Divinity of the glowing Heavens..."
~ Rexsy
Denver, CO
United States