Denver, CO
United States
"Covering the deep space of silence, the mists of life majestically levitated above the cosmic ocean of existences. The sacred trees, stood still in quietude above the waters of serenity, illuminated lovely reflections of infinite consciousnesses. In deep meditative state,as the mind remains silent, cosmic energy pervasively reaches all atoms of life. This movement of energy is intelligence, wisdom. Wisdom is not of time and space, thus, not an accumulation of knowledge; it is timeless and eternal, which manifests through meditation."
~ Rexsy
Dedicated to
Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus Christ, J. Krishnamurti,
Krishna, Bodhidharma, Kimie, Stephen Hawking,
Lao Tzu, Dzogchen, Albert Einstein, Ghandi, Kuan-Yin Buddha,
Kagen Atkinson, Jacques, Andrea, Janessa, Patrick, Myah,
Universal Cosmic Sacred Emptiness,
Love, Life, Compassion,
& Humanity!
<> Cosmic Quantum Universe <>
"Existence is Universal Cosmic Symphony of Divine Sacred Emptiness, which is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent! Only being in Oneness with the Universal Cosmic Consciousness, the Mind may meditatively immerse into the Ultimate Truth of Absolute Reality!"
In the World of Quantum Physics, an infinitesimally small volume of Vacuum, a fraction of billionth of a cubic centimeter, say ten to the minus twenty three cubic centimeters, may contain enough potential energy equal to trillion times of that of the vast Cosmic space of billions oflight years away, including all the mass of all the galaxies, stars, planets, cosmic matters, extremely powerful, which Consciousness may have control of such Energy!
In parallel, the Universal Consciouness is immersely Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent in the Majestic Universe of Sacred Divine Emptiness!
Thus, it is extremely powerful to apply the sub-atomic world of Quantum Mechanics, which ispartially reflections of the omnipotent Emptiness, into the Universe of Intelligent Artificial Intelligence Systems Designs based on infinitesimal scale of Nanotechnology.
In theUniverse of High Tech, Engineering, and Artificial Intelligence (AI), closest to the Cosmic Reality and QuantumPhysicsis the Ontological Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS), which employs Multi-Agents, Expert Systems, Quantum Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Quantum Evolutionary/Genetic Algorithms, NanoTechonology, etc., for the development of advanced intelligent systems mimicking nature!
In the empty space of Quantum AI and Engineering, as Signals processing immersely through Systems, the knowledge of Fuzzy Neural Genetic Algorithms, Expert Systems, Pattern Recognition, Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, Mathematics, etc., propagate deeply in the high tech World of Quantum AI Advanced Systems Design and Development. And of course, one may unify all AI systems with the CAS into One Unified System, both in conceptualizations and applications.
And also, one may utilize the Quantum Complex Adaptive System (QCAS) to model both the microcosmic and macrocosmic Universes, with random stochastic adaptive behaviorsin the hyperspace of uncertainty!
"The Mind reflects the whole Universe via Great Sacred Emptiness of Universal Cosmic Meditation, which is enlightened by Quantum Physics' Laws of Entanglement in
The immense empty Cosmos!"
By Quantum Physics' Entanglement Theory, any smallest event happens in in Space/Existence...creates reactions elsewhere in the Universe (no matter how far, billions lights years away)! This is why the Buddha
had said: when the Mind is Silent...the whole Universe listens!
In Meditation, the Mind may detect any subtle movement (information) throughout the whole Universe!
Quantum and out of Vacuum, Void, Emptiness)!
Also, Quantum Physics…Particles…Matters…exist…outside of framework of Space and Time…Which parallels Cosmic Immortality,
Timeless Meditation/Being!
<> Rexsy <>
<> Universal Cosmic Consciousness <>
<> Rexsy Universal Cosmic Meditation <>
<> Rexsy Universal Cosmic Music <>
Music composed, performed, recorded, engineered, mastered, and produced by Rexsy.
Rexsy Music is composed immersely through Universal Cosmic Meditation of Ultimate Divine Sacred Emptiness! and also based on the Theories of Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Classical Music, Philosophy, Arts, Sciences, History, Technologies, Humanity, and Fusion ofthe Past, Present, and Future Cosmic States of the Universe!
The Symphonies, deep in Meditation,were spontaneously and simultaneously composed, created, performed, recorded, orchestrated, mastered, and engineered, all in One Pass without post processing and editing! In other words, the timetaken for creating each Symphony, from the beginning until completion isexactly the duration of the Symphony!
"The energetic moving beauty of life was indescribable, as it came and went uninvitedly without one's expectation. It lived in harmony with all things without any disturbance of thought. Death is the discontinuation of fragmentary thoughts, for each and every thought is afraid of its own extinction. To live is to die from moment to moment, for living and dying complement each other, in one inseparable process. The separation of such process is the movement of thought, which creates fears and sorrows." ~ Rexsy
"Shadows of lights, convoluting with infinite spectral intensities, reflected marvelous profound architectures of life, its beautiful reality in the constant changing dynamics Universe. Gentle breeze could be felt with great pleasant scent of flowers, deep and enchanting!
The mind was utterly still, where perception and non-perception had ceased existing. It was extremely empty. Empty of any causes, desires, motives to transform, become…It was absolutely empty under the majestic starlights of mysterious ecstasy!" ~ Rexsy
"Clouds of the heavens mesmerized the entire Universe at early dawn of a beautiful day. Liberation from the world of sufferings is the greatest miracle of all. Any lower forms of miracles, no matter how impressive may be, only impress the grosser consciousness of existence, where sufferings remain in conquest." ~ Rexsy
"The evening sunset radiated clouds of jewels across the Universe, where diamond lights of wisdom blazed majestically towards the deep space of existences. As one meditated on world’s phenomena, with a quiet mind, the emptiness nature of all things revealed its ultimate reality in the deep silence of contemplation. Emptiness is All, and All is Emptiness. One is All, and All is One." ~ Rexsy
"The mesmerizing serenity of an early morning was reflected from the Great Heavens, which remained quietly still as the world seemed to cease existing. The winds gently embraced life with great affection under the compassionate blue Skies…and nearby, the Sun was profoundly gentle with its brilliant lights shining over humanity, as the Silent Mind immersed into oneness with the Universe. Shadows of the beautiful waters imprinted their ecstatic presence in the cosmic Sea, bringing existence onto the pleasant stream of enlightenment, as the ocean waves receded towards the great Cosmos." ~ Rexsy
"Silence of the lovely evening had descended upon the World of love and beauty with intimate adoration, for the timeless sacred Emptiness embraced humanity with great divine compassion, as Nature's symphonic wisdom brilliantly immersed the dynamic quantum Universe towards blissful Enlightenment." ~ Rexsy
"The night shadows had descended over the living world of restless energy and sufferings across the Cosmos. The Earth appeared mysteriously quiet under the soft gentle moonlight. World consciousness may be observed from the grossest to the subtlest levels, which holds keys to understanding suffering, pain, joy, and enlightenment." ~ Rexsy
"The waters of life pervaded across the Universe under the immense skies of infinite beauty and love. With the silent guidance of sacred emptiness in one’s whole being, at all consciousness levels, seeing, understanding, and acting in one inseparable process, is the heart of peaceful enlightenment. Acting, in this process, has an effect from the gross to subtle levels of minds, matters." ~ Rexsy
"The night was completely still as the winds came to a quiet rest. As the night became deeper in its meditation, mysterious trees covered the Earth with their tremendous beauty in the darkness of space and time. In the silence of the night, all things had subsided into their natural order for the new architecture of life to begin. There is no end to this new beginning, for time is not a factor in the meditative process, where the mind had transgressed beyond the ordinaries. The moon rested quietly over the sleepy clouds." ~ Rexsy
"With gentle affection, the Sun shadows reflected quietly over the sea of a delightful morning. The subtle cosmic energy of world phenomena passed through the mind of great intensity of attention in passiveness, where sacred beauty of the multi-dimensional Universe was directly observed in the presence of divine bliss and joy. The subtle details of such phenomena revealed the wholeness of life in the unfathomable Cosmos, which may only be comprehended by the yoga of the mind." ~ Rexsy
"The evening had just descended over the immense sea of existence. Far away, beautiful dark skies intimately embraced the sea of many gentle creatures. Nearby, small waves approached the shore, nurtured by fresh waters of the cosmic Universe. The mind had entered the space of emptiness as universal intelligence came into being. In this state, every soft subtle fluctuation of existence can be detected and perceived through reflections on the self, which can be felt by the sensitive mind. The air is quietly still over the Earth of beauty and love, as the night breeze interpenetrated through the cosmic stars of the sacred heavens." ~ Rexsy
"The waters of Emptiness invaded the Living Sea for millennia beyond space and time of sacred existence, under the soft moonlight of mesmerizing Enlightenment. To live is to meditate over the infinite space of being.
Meditation is a process of super-thinking over the infinite Cosmos towards Emptiness. It is a process of thinking over thinkinglessness (and vice versa), the Sacred Divine Emptiness." ~ Rexsy
"The skies had been mysteriously beautiful as the rain kept falling for days, washing away impurities of life. Action, which leads to stillness, is great action towards oneness with the Universe. That, which leads to movement, evolves in the opposite direction to endless sufferings." ~ Rexsy
Denver, CO
United States