Denver, CO
United States
"Universal Emptiness is omnipresent in all cosmic phenomena from the beginningless time. Meditation is to be in oneness with this Great Sacred Silent Divinity, which subtly is the source of all creations and destructions in the immense Universe." ~ Rexsy
Dedicated to
Shakyamuni Buddha, Jesus Christ, J. Krishnamurti,
Krishna, Bodhidharma, Hui-Neng,
Lao Tzu, Isaac Newton,Dogen, Albert Einstein,
Kuan Yin Buddha, Stephen Hawking, Gandhi,
Chung & Huong Nguyen Ho, My Hanh,
Kimie, Jacques, Andrea, Janessa, Patrick, Kagen,
Love, Life, Compassion & Humanity,
Universal Divine Sacred Emptiness!
<> Universal Cosmic Wisdom <>
"Existence is Universal Cosmic Symphony of Divine Sacred Emptiness, which is omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent! Only being in Oneness with the Universal Cosmic Consciousness, the Mind may meditatively immerse into the UltimateTruth of Absolute Reality!"
<> Universal Cosmic Consciousness <>
"In the profound majestic beauty of the Cosmos, the Universal Cosmic Consciousness omnipresently, omnisciently, and omnipotently penetrates the vast silent space of the Divine Sacred Emptiness!"
~ Rexsy
"Whenever learners or those beyond learning awaken the mind, for the first time they plant one buddha-nature. Working with the four elements and five clusters, if they practice sincerely they attain enlightenment. Working with plants, trees, fences and walls, if they practice sincerely they will attain enlightenment. This is because the four elements and five clusters and plants, trees, fences and walls are fellow students; because they are of the same essence, because they are the same mind and the same life, because they are the same body and the same mechanism."
~ Dogen
"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius."
~ W.A. Mozart
"A fool acquires knowledge only to his own disadvantage. It destroys what good he has, and turns his brains."
~ Buddha
"The immense skies covered the peaceful Earth, with warm sunlight shining over the immense sea of living creatures. Universal intelligence must first be perceived and understood; thoughts may then be examined in relation to the Universe. In all actions and creativities, under the vigorous guidance of natural Wisdom, thoughts may come into being and perform sanely. The wind drifted gently across the Universe."
~ Rexsy
"In the assemblies of the enlightened ones there have been many cases of mastering the Way bringing forth the heart of plants and trees; this is what awakening the mind for enlightenment is like. The fifth patriarch of Zen was once a pine-planting wayfarer; Rinzai worked on planting cedars and pines on Mount Obaku. . . . Working with plants, trees, fences and walls, if they practice sincerely they will attain enlightenment."
~ Dogen
"Delusions, errors and lies are like huge, gaudy vessels, the rafters of which are rotten and worm eaten, and those who embark in them are fated to be ship wrecked."
~ Buddha
"To go from mortal to buddha, you have to put an end to karma, nurture your awareness, and accept what life brings."
~ Bodhidharma
"To study the Buddha way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be enlightened by the ten thousand things."
~ Dogen
"The beautiful sunset reflected on silent waters of gentle serenity, as the night breeze whispering through large thick trees of sacred quietude. Cosmic intelligence may be achieved through the immense emptiness of meditation at every moment. Under this tranquil state of being, the universal cosmic energy naturally flows through spirit-mind-body system as one emerges into oneness with the Universe. Every existential being in the human body is influenced by the intelligence of this cosmic field, which sustains the ultimate state of existences."
~ Rexsy
"When a wise man is advised of his errors, he will reflect on and improve his conduct. When his misconduct is pointed out, a foolish man will not only disregard the advice but rather repeat the same error."
~ Buddha
"Those who see worldly life as an obstacle to Dharma see no Dharma in everyday actions; they have not discovered that there are no everyday actions outside of Dharma."
~ Dogen
"To have a body is to suffer. Does anyone with a body know peace? Those who understand this detach themselves from all that exists and stop imagining or seeking anything. The sutras say, "To seek is to suffer. To seek nothing is bliss." When you seek nothing, you're on the Path."
~ Bodhidharma
"Freed by full realization and at peace, the mind of such a man is at peace, and his speech and action peaceful. He has no need for faith who knows the uncreated, who has cut off rebirth, who has destroyed any opportunity for good or evil, and cast away all desire. He is indeed the ultimate man."
~ Buddha
"Sitting is the gateway of truth to total liberation."
~ Dogen
"Behind the dark trees, the snow-peaked mountains reflected images over the waters of serenity. There are infinite ways of contemplation and reflection on living, which equate to countless dynamic matters in the Cosmos. All these contemplation smay lead to One wholistic pathless journey in Meditation as the Universe arises and dissolves back into emptiness."
~ Rexsy
"Look within!. . . The secret is inside you."
~ Hui-Neng
"The color of the mountains is Buddha's body; the sound of running water is his great speech."
~ Dogen
"The essence of the Way is detachment. And the goal of those who practice is freedom from appearances."
~ Bodhidharma
"Sacred Spirit of the radiating Sun was completely silent over the Earth of myriad living beings. Concentration of attention towards the infinite structure of the Universe is a progression of human quest on achieving the high tranquil state of deep meditation, in which, concentration is ineffectively able of immersing the hyperspace of the Universal Emptiness. Whereas, attention of concentration is a realization of the acknowledgment, that concentration is partial to meditation, always. In the attentive state of meditation, deep in the unfathomable architecture of universal creations, one achieves the quest of immortality in the Superconsciouness of Enlightenment."
~ Rexsy
"Within our impure mind the pure one is to be found."
~ Hui-Neng
"Handle even a single leaf of green in such a way that it manifests the body of the Buddha. This in turn allows the Buddha to manifest through the leaf."
~ Dogen
"Not thinking about anything is zen. Once you know this, walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is zen. To know that the mind is empty is to see the buddha. . . . Using the mind to reality is delusion. Not using the mind to look for reality is awareness. Freeing oneself from words is liberation."
~ Bodhidharma
"Utterly still, the immense sea of existence seemed to exist in an unknown dimension of silence and beauty. Unification of the skies, seas, mountains, clouds, and other beings immersed into the majestic Oneness with the gentle Universe. The highest form of energy in the Cosmos is Emptiness of the Great Void. It is this Void that creates and manifests all things in the evolutionary existence. The emergence of the universal energy may best be penetratively absorbed under the meditative state of the spirit-mind-body system in daily living."
~ Rexsy
"Worship means reverence and humility. It means revering your real self and humbling delusions. If you can wipe out evil desires and harbor good thoughts, even if nothing shows, it's worship. Such form is its real form."
~ Bodhidharma
"The great mystic light of wisdom, across the beautiful skies, penetrated the seawaters of myriad existences. The mysticism of science is achieved through logic upon manipulations of the coarser forms of cosmic energy, thus, partial and fragmentary. Whereas, mysticism of religion, through direct experience upon all forms of energy from the grossest to the finest, is wholistic and complete."
~ Rexsy
"To invoke the Buddha's name you have to understand the dharma of invoking. If it's not present in your mind, your mouth chants an empty name. As long as you're troubled by the three poisons or by thoughts of yourself, your deluded mind will keep you from seeing the Buddha and you'll only waste your effort. Chanting and invoking are worlds apart. Chanting is done with the mouth. Invoking is done with the mind. And because invoking comes from the mind, it's called the door to awareness. Chanting is centered in the mouth and appears as sound. If you cling to appearances while searching for meaning, you won't find a thing. . . ."
~ Bodhidharma
"Living mindfully, meditatively in the present moment allows universal intelligence to flow into one's being, in which, observing, learning, seeing, and acting merge into one inseparable process. This fact may be observed as one attains enlightenment in meditation, in which, all sorrows and sufferings have been dissolved into the vast emptiness. The shadows of the beautiful trees imprinted their presence under the soft warm light of the mother Sun, bringing all existences into the great stream of pleasant enlightenment."
~ Rexsy
"When we're deluded there's a world to escape. When we're aware, there's nothing to escape."
~ Bodhidharma
"The grand existence of nature is unfathomable to the knowing mind. Cosmic energy signals are random in nature with infinite levels of intensities, frequencies, modulations, and spectral characteristics, which subtly contain intelligent information upon sustaining all living beings in the Universe. Additionally, the energy information signals in the universal cosmic fields excite and nourish human intelligence, internal organs, and all subsystems at different spectral vibrations and intensity levels. With respect to mankind's inner microcosmic world, the Mind may direct this vital energy into one's system by meditative absorption based on the signaling characteristics aforementioned. The overall optimization goal is attaining the feeling of peacefulness and well being."
~ Rexsy
"If you use your mind to study reality, you won't understand either your mind or reality. If you study reality without using your mind, you'll understand both. . . . The mind and the world are opposites, and vision arises where they meet. When your mind doesn't stir inside, the world doesn't arise outside. When the world and the mind are both transparent, this is true vision. And such understanding is true understanding."
~ Bodhidharma
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."
~ Buddha
"In the immense silence of an extraordinarily beautiful morning, the majestic Sun quietly immersed with freshness and power, radiating great rays over the gentle Earth. The air felt deeply sacred among the dark trees of the lovely winter. Words, concepts, and thoughts may only approximate reality, for the Universe is dynamic and in constant state of change naturally in the presence of time. Being attached to words leads to apparent conflicts with reality, the what is. Words and thoughts are illusive attributed to the impermanency of things in nature. To understand this is to interpenetrate into the permanency of emptiness."
~ Rexsy
"Even if a buddha or bodhisattva should suddenly appear before you, there's no need for reverence. This mind of ours is empty and contains no such form. Those who hold onto appearances are devils. They fall from the Path. Why worship illusions born of the mind? . . . The basic nature of a buddha has no such form. Keep this in mind, even if something unusual should appear. Don't embrace it, and don't fear it, and don't doubt that your mind is basically pure. . . . Also at the appearance of spirits, demons, or divine beings, conceive neither respect nor fear. Your mind is basically empty. All appearances are illusions. Don't hold on to appearances. If you envision a buddha, a dharma, or a bodhisattva and conceive respect for them, you relegate yourself to the realm of mortals. If you seek direct understanding, don't hold on to any appearance whatsoever, and you'll succeed. . . . The sutras say, "That which is free of all form is the buddha...Devils and demons possess the power of manifestation. They can create the appearance of bodhisattvas in all sorts of guises. But they're false. None of them are buddhas. The buddha is your own mind. Don't misdirect your worship."
~ Bodhidharma
"Standing still in majestic silence, the ecstatic scenery of the dark forest attracted great-intensified attention over its sacred mysticism of beauty. In deep serene meditation towards the Universal Emptiness of the mystic Universe, wisdom and knowledge naturally enter consciousness, which then, through the power of thoughts, concentration, and visualization, manipulates and manifests cosmic energy and matters in the world. Emptiness is form, and form is emptiness, naturally.
~ Rexsy
<> Universal Cosmic Meditation <>
<> Universal Cosmic Consciousness <>
<> Rexsy Universal Cosmic Music <>
Music composed, performed, recorded, engineered, mastered, and produced by Rexsy.
Rexsy Music is composed immersely through Universal Cosmic Meditation of Ultimate Divine Sacred Emptiness! and also based on the Theories of Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence, Classical Music, Philosophy, Arts, Sciences, History, Technologies, Humanity, and Fusion ofthe Past, Present, and Future Cosmic States of the Universe!
The Symphonies, deep in Meditation,were spontaneously and simultaneously composed, created, performed, recorded, orchestrated, mastered, and engineered, all in One Pass without post processing and editing! In other words, the timetaken for creating each Symphony, from the beginning until completion isexactly the duration of the Symphony!
"To live is to die every moment, meditatively. Silence of the lovely evening had descended upon the World of love and beauty with intimate adoration, for the timeless sacred Emptiness embraced humanity with great divine compassion, as Rexsy's Symphony no. 2430 brilliantly immersed the dynamic quantum Universe towards blissful Enlightenment." ~ Rexsy
"The rain softly touched the forest of innocent vitality. The beautiful scenery appeared deeper in silence where existence meandered on a sacred path of peace and tranquillity. In the cosmic ocean, waves of matters had been impermanently created in countless forms, and when destroyed, all forms had returned to the Emptiness of Silence. Meditative living is sustaining an empty mind of attentive observation, in which state, one is the Universe." ~Rexsy
"Under the movements of thought, observe thought. Time, observe time. Phenomena, observe phenomena. Any events, creations, and/or destructions of matters may be great objects of observation, Gods of contemplation, and sacred Emptiness within, towards the subtle Universe of spiritual enlightenment. Just be. Listen to the lovely birds, a heart-enlightened symphony of the past, and feelings of existential world in appearance of great delight..." ~ Rexsy
"The sacred moonlight had descended over the Earth from the great Void in deep tranquillity of silence. Meditation on the micro-Universe, that is, contemplation on the body, feeling, mind, and spirit, leads to the serene enlightenment of self existence. In parallel, meditation on the macro-Universe, external of one’s being, enlightens the deepest realization of the Cosmos. These two paths are essentially one inseparable 'processless' process towards the ultimate spiritual Enlightenment in the vast immense silent Universe." ~ Rexsy
"In the immense silence of emptiness, Universal Cosmic Energy radiates omnipresently over the deep space of impermanent existence, where sufferings exist endlessly in the profoundly moving beauty of the Universe. Meditation is the greatest path to the cessation of sufferings under the movement of Intelligence, Peace, and Love." ~ Rexsy
"The sunlight reflected indescribable joys over the ocean of beauty, where the seabirds glided freely under the calm blue skies. Peaceful state of being exists when the mind and feeling merge into the Universe’s reality as One. In this state, there is no energy differential between the mind and the constant changing reality, thus, manifestations of life transgress into quiet state of existence. The beautiful sunset had traveled towards the deep blue sea’s horizon, as mother Earth rested silently under the cosmic beauty of the heavens." ~ Rexsy
"In the immense silence of emptiness, Universal Cosmic Energy radiates omnipresently over the deep space of impermanent existence, where sufferings exist endlessly in the profoundly moving beauty of the Universe. Meditation is the greatest path to the cessation of sufferings under the movement of Intelligence, Peace, and Love." ~ Rexsy
"Surrounded by immense peace, love, and mesmerizing beauty of nature, one contemplated deeply into the existence of thought and its association with world phenomena. Details of events, images, sounds, and feelings were examined silently without any movement of the conscious observer, for the silent mind is extremely subtle of great delicacy in its mysterious beauty." ~ Rexsy
"Nature was intimately bathed with warm sunlight from the deep heavens. The clouds reflectively embraced wisdom of nothingness over the multi-dimensional space of existences. Indescribable bliss entered all living consciousnesses in the shadows of mysterious darkness." ~ Rexsy
"In the immense silence of emptiness, Universal Cosmic Energy radiates omnipresently over the deep space of impermanent existence, where sufferings exist endlessly in the profoundly moving beauty of the Universe. Meditation is the greatest path to the cessation of sufferings under the movement of Intelligence, Peace, and Love." ~ Rexsy
"The sunlight reflected indescribable joys over the ocean of beauty, where the seabirds glided freely under the calm blue skies. Peaceful state of being exists when the mind and feeling merge into the Universe’s reality as One. In this state, there is no energy differential between the mind and the constant changing reality, thus, manifestations of life transgress into quiet state of existence. The beautiful sunset had traveled towards the deep blue sea’s horizon, as mother Earth rested silently under the cosmic beauty of the heavens." ~ Rexsy
"Surrounded by immense peace, love, and mesmerizing beauty of nature, one contemplated deeply into the existence of thought and its association with world phenomena. Details of events, images, sounds, and feelings were examined silently without any movement of the conscious observer, for the silent mind is extremely subtle of great delicacy in its mysterious beauty." ~ Rexsy
Denver, CO
United States